In a major breakthrough, the Border Security Force (BSF) seized a huge consignment of sarees worth over Rs 20 lakhs on the Indo-Bangladesh border on May 14, 2023. Acting on specific intelligence inputs, the vigilant troops of 193 Bn BSF in Meghalaya intercepted the smugglers in the bordering area of East Khasi Hills.
The smugglers were trying to cross the border with the consignment when they were spotted and challenged by the BSF. The miscreants fled the scene, leaving behind their head loads in thick vegetation, darkness, and undulating terrain. The seized items were later handed over to the customs office in Dangar.
The BSF has been maintaining a high degree of alertness along the Indo-Bangladesh border to prevent nefarious attempts by smugglers. This seizure is a significant blow to smuggling operations in the region and demonstrates the BSF’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of the border.