Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K. Sangma met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi today along with Prestone Tynsong, Home Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Speaker of Meghalaya Assembly. The delegation discussed the ongoing peace talks with the Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council (HNLC).
The Chief Minister apprised Prime Minister Modi that the HNLC has expressed its readiness for unconditional talks with the Governments of India and Meghalaya, within the framework of the Indian Constitution and without any preconditions. Acknowledging this development, the Ministry of Home Affairs has signalled the Meghalaya State Government to initiate peace talks with HNLC, and the Ministry is committed to offering necessary support and guidance throughout the process.
The Chief Minister told the Prime Minister that the formal dialogue is underway, and the State Government is optimistic that the peace process will reach a successful conclusion.