Tura, January 20: In the small town of Upper Wadanang, West Garo Hills, emerged a wrestling prodigy named Ringchi K Sangma. Joining the Wrestling Association of WGH district just a month ago, Ringchi’s meteoric rise is nothing short of inspiring. With a mere six days of basic training, the 19-year-old female athlete achieved a historic feat at the 5th Meghalaya Games, securing a silver medal in Freestyle Wrestling. This accomplishment is particularly noteworthy as it marks Ringchi as one of the first wrestling athletes from Garo Hills to excel in this newly included discipline.

Speaking on the sidelines at the 5th Meghalaya Games, Ringchi said, “I joined Meghalaya Wrestling Association and trained for 6 days under my coach. I am really happy today as I am the first woman wrestler from Tura who won silver medal, I would like to thank the Government of Meghalaya for organising the Meghalaya Games here, as I am able to show my talent to everyone, and I thank the government for providing nutritious food and comfortable accommodation for us.”

Undeterred by her novice status, Ringchi’s determination and passion propelled her through the competition, showcasing the untapped potential within the region. Her success resonates as a symbol of inspiration for aspiring wrestlers in West Garo Hills, emphasizing that talent and dedication can overcome any obstacle. In just a short span, Ringchi K Sangma has become a local hero, elevating the status of wrestling in Garo Hills and setting the stage for a promising future in the sport.