Shillong, September 30 : World Heart Day is celebrated on 29th September all throughout the world to bring awareness regarding Cardiovascular diseases, the Number one killer disease worldwide.

Commemorating the world Heart Day, a Quiz competition cum awareness programme was organized by the District NCD Cell under the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (NP-NCD), East Khasi Hills at KJP Synod Conference Hall, Lachumiere.

The Chief Guest on the occasion R. M. Kurbah, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, East Khasi Hills District, drew attention to the evolving lifestyle trends, emphasizing the need for increased physical activity to maintain a healthy heart in the face of the digital era.

Dr R. Allya DHS MCH& FW as the Guest of Honour focussed on the need of using the heart and knowing the heart empathetically on ourselves and others thereby avoiding all the bad habits and developing the healthy habits for the heart.

Dr. Synrang Warjri, a renowned Cardiologist and Administrative Officer Shillong Heart Clinic as special guest on the occasion shared invaluable insights into heart health and highlighted a critical message – “alcohol, in any minimum quantity, does not contribute to heart health, and it remains a primary contributing factor to Non-communicable Diseases”.

The program chaired by Hiporly Talang, DPC NP-NCD, was also attended by Dr B Kanti DNO Tobacco Control, Dr J Sangma Addl. DMHO EKH and concluded on a high note with closing remarks and a vote of thanks from Dr. Robert R Marak, the District Nodal Officer, NP-NCD, East Khasi Hills, leaving a strong message of commitment to heart health and overall well-being.

This World Heart Day event exemplified the importance of promoting awareness about heart health and fostering healthy habits among the younger generation, with the hope of a healthier future for all.

Heart Related Health Statistics in Meghalaya

  • Death due to Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death (21.1%) in Meghalaya (Medical Certification of Cause of Deaths 2018)
  • As per ICMR NCDIR Survey report in Adults > 15yrs age group, 2021:
    • About half 47.0% consume tobacco, prevalence higher for the smoked form (31.6%) than the smokeless form (20.3%).
    • Close to one-third, (32.4%) of males consumed alcohol, while alcohol use in females was negligible.
    • 13.9% of the men are obese, slightly higher than female prevalence (11.5%).
    • About 21.4% males & 18.7% females have raised blood pressure.
    • 13.9% men & 9.5% women have raised blood glucose

These statistics are a reminder of the importance of taking care of our heart health. By making healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol, we can reduce our risk of developing heart disease.