The indefinite hunger strike of Ardent Miller Basaiawmoit, President of the Voice of the People Party, in protest of the Reservation Policy in the state has entered the seventh day. Since May 23rd, Basaiawmoit has been on a hunger strike, demanding that the government reviews the policy, which is grossly unjust to the Khasi people.

Despite the physical toll of the hunger strike, Basaiawmoit’s health condition is reported to be stable. He remains determined to continue his protest until the government takes notice of the issue and takes action to review the policy.

The Reservation Policy has been a contentious issue in the state, with various groups advocating for changes to make it more fair to all stakeholders. Basaiawmoit’s hunger strike has attracted attention from both the media and the public, with many expressing their support for the cause.

As Basaiawmoit continues his protest, the government is under pressure to address the issue and find a solution that satisfies all parties. The coming days will be crucial in determining the outcome of this protest and the future of the Reservation Policy in the state.